And then Blindfolded We Danced: The Magic in a touch

I had the pleasure of attending a dance therapy session organized by the extremely talented Ashoka fellow Tripura Kashyap.Though, I am a free dancer in my private space, I am quite shy, thus the mere thought of dancing/body movements in front of strangers made me apprehensive about the session. Also, for me dance is all about a free flow of body movements as guided by music’s flow rather than a choreographed performance meant to entertain. I dance for myself, to connect to the sublime. However, intrigued as I was, I went nonetheless.

The workshop began with a body loosening activity around handling balloons: We had to prevent them from falling using different body parts as instructed. This was meant to get our body to move and boy, move it did. This was followed by a series of very interesting activities which I will share later for today I mean to share this one activity which had a big impact on the way I understand people, energy and life.

In this activity, initially we were blindfolded and were to be guided around the hall by a non-blindfolded partner through only the touch of our hands. So, we had to find our way through the hall without colliding with anything, simply through the feeling conveyed by our partner through his hand. After both the partners completed the activity, we were further instructed to now go around blindfolded alone, avoiding collision with other people by simply trusting our gut feelings. After, walking around for a while(during which I almost collided with a person), we were asked to connect through our hands with anyone nearby.

Thus, now both me and my partner were blindfolded and had absolutely no idea who the other person was. We were connected by a mere touch, We were asked to walk together guiding each other trying to avoid colliding with other groups of two’s. Initially, both of us were moving cautiously but after walking for around 10-15 seconds, something magical happened. We both started moving faster, somehow with the implicit,unsaid trust in knowing that both of us were being rightly led by the other.

When and how that fast movement converted into a dance, I know not. Who among-st us was leading and who following in the dance, I know not. All that I was aware of was the touch and the dance. How and when external factors such as “the hall filled with people, the instructor’s presence, the other person being a stranger, my nature being shy”, stopped mattering, I know not. How that pristine connection was formed over a mere touch, I know and care not. Funnily, the fact that we were blindfolded and could collide and get hurt also simply disappeared.

Somehow, being blindfolded had made me free from my inhibitions. I didn’t care who she was, how she looked, her nationality, ethinicity, religion. Through the touch, I felt her as just another human, quite like myself and freed from all my prejudices/biases, I simply let go and connected. The simple touch worked like magic and through it, in those few moments, I tasted life in its raw, unadulterated, free form. 

So, Yes, Blindfolded we both danced. I would urge each one of you to try out the same, just ensure you don’t know who the other person is.. 🙂

P.S: After we were asked to remove our blindfolds, I realized she was a russian student here in India to learn Kathak, a classical Indian form of dance. She was a professional dance and funnily, She thought I was leading and was a professional dancer.  🙂

32 thoughts on “And then Blindfolded We Danced: The Magic in a touch

  1. Very profound experience. I would definitely try this whenever I can. The whole idea of sinply connecting with someone without being concerned about the character or appearance, is exactly what was mesmerising here.
    Thx for sharing. You shared pretty well. 😄😄

    • Thank you so much for commenting, my friend. Do try it, its beautiful. However, keep in mind, that the mind lets go of the inhibitions only when its totally unaware of who the other person is. The slightest hint, here or there, and the whole mind control is back… I am really happy you connected. Take Care.:)

  2. super uplifting and jovial. Glad I could read this beautiful piece of article. Glad you stopped by on blog which gave me a chance to read this or else I wouldn’t have known. Thank you. Cheers !

  3. Thank you for sharing your experience. I find it very inspiring and a great way to explore being with ourselves and others. I particularly liked your use of “I know not”. I find that it enhances the poetic, magical quality of this dance.

    • Hi Arati, Thank you so much for your comment. It was undoubtedly one of the simplest way in which I connected with myself. And, the dance was indeed magical, surreal so the feeling had to be shown somehow and what better way there is than a bit of poetry within the prose… I am happy you connected to the piece. Do try it out sometime.. 🙂

  4. I didn’t know that a blindfolded dance form could convey so many emotions so beautifully, which often people with big-lovely eyes tend to overlook.
    I could read your piece again & again Nakul. I’m sure you will bring positive changes in this world with your beliefs & dreams. Beautiful!! Truly Magical!

    • Thank you so much, my friend. That’s the sweetest comment I have ever received. I know, I had never myself thought that being blindfolded, I could dance so beautifully. It was as you felt: magical.. 🙂 🙂

      • I Could feel your feelings all through your piece Nakul. The beauty of the way you danced, and all those of enlightenment. Keep going my friend! Nothing can stop you. 🙂

      • So sorry for replying late to your beautiful comment, my friend. I was really stuck with some negative work and I had let it get to my head. I am happy you connected so deeply with the post. That’s the highest compliment a writer can get on his post.. 🙂

      • You Know something Nakul, what is the most important thing about being a writer/blogger?…..One has the freedom to express his/her thoughts without the fear of being judged by friends,family,relatives & …. Another thing is, if at all now or even in future you are late in replying to any comment, no need of any sorry. I didn’t even realize so 🙂
        I hope you find your way out of your not so positive work soon.
        All the best!

      • I hope so too about the negative work. However, now I am realizing that the whole challenge is to be able to retain my purity amidst all the negativity… Am learning so many important lessons from all this negativity.. 🙂

      • Hope sees the invisible, touches the intangible & achieves the impossible Nakul. I don’t know about your negative situation but I really hope you get through.
        Sending your way lot of positive vibes.
        Happy New Year!! 🙂

  5. A beautiful experience like a magical Tale but a powerful message with-in,just by looking at each other we have so many theories and impressions, and just by touch,it feels like being just a human being without any negative feelings 🙂

    • Thank you so much for the beautiful comment Ady. I am happy you connected to the piece. You have captured the essence of the post well in your comment. I totally agree, all that’s needed to understand the other person is a touch.. 🙂

  6. I know how maybe you and many feel about blogosphere awards… I have nevertheless nominated your blog for the One Lovely Blog Award… I mean it as my appreciation for your courage and inspiration, my admiration for your creativity and wisdom… Please bear with me for this faux pas 🙂

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