Is there a point to it all

Is there a point in falling in love; In dancing in the rain; In singing with the birds; In feeling unity or diversity or indifference towards anything or everything; Is there a point in providing a month load of grains, so as to absolve our own conscience, to a person who has lost it all;…

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To float and flow, Let go

To float and flow, Let go; To experience the magic present all around, Let go; To cease seeking control over it all, Let go; To listen to the melody of the Universe, Let go; To break free from the clutches of the mind, Let go; To witness the oneness in all that’s dual, Let go;…

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The Aim

In this intricate web of existence, the aim is so beautifully simple; To exist as it is; With the awareness and acceptance of the black, the white and the gray, both within and without; To live fully attached while being utterly detached; To embrace the world(Maya) without, while keeping alive the recluse(Vairagi) within; To be…

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I am a mere instrument, the music is his

Dancing within and without; there are times, when I do mistake the dance to be mine With inflated ego, I go round and round; being it all. both the dancer and the dance; In those moments of seeking and enjoying fame, little do I remember the privilege that comes attached to the “I”; The privilege of being…

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The Statues of Mud

What are we but Statues of Mud? Is there something else to us other than our bodies, which arise from mud and return to it? Imagine a mud statue of any god or demon sitting atop a marble stand. If that statue were to fall and break, would the god/demon cease to exist? Would it…

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Why my notions of Empathy are a big Sham

I have always been a person who sees things purely through the lens of his own self, everything is from within to without. Empathy was important only from the perspective of understanding other people’s stories; I struggled with forming connections unless the other person was an extrovert and had integrity so as to have my…

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Worry not about your Shine

The flower worries not about the spread of its fragrance; it blossoms nonetheless; The tree worries not about the people savoring its fruits and shade; It spreads them nonetheless; The sun worries not about the spread of its light; it glows nonetheless; The peacock worries not about the audience; When the rain beckons it dances…

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Am I not

Am I not another page in your book; Am I not another expression of your whimsical desires; Am I not another outcome of the eternal play at large; Am I not another identity-less one, jumping around in false illusion I make my own; Am I not another form of the formless, bought to life for…

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The I Stands Alone

Away from the politics of the world, from the right, left or center; The I Stands Alone; Away from the black, the white and the gray or Colors splashed all around; The I Stands Alone; Away from the chaos of the world or the calmness of nature; The I Stands Alone; Away from the joy and…

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For the Play carries on and on

I thought I was indispensable, the one making a difference; The one earning the millions; the one moving the wheel; The one shaking the status-quo; the one challenging the system; I thought I was unique, one of a kind A diamond amidst the coal A trickle of rain for the farmer about to lose his…

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