The Aim

In this intricate web of existence, the aim is so beautifully simple; To exist as it is; With the awareness and acceptance of the black, the white and the gray, both within and without; To live fully attached while being utterly detached; To embrace the world(Maya) without, while keeping alive the recluse(Vairagi) within; To be…

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Vairagya : Utter detachment from the world

There are moments when I feel this deep suffocation, a feeling of utter discontentment, an immense indifference towards anything and everything. There is this strong urge to just run away from everything. The mere presence of people stifles me, be it in my home or the market place or a professional setting. I just want…

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What’s life But A Joke

In these chilly Delhi nights, when i see myself shivering in cold despite wearing 4 layers of clothing while the kid standing beside me goes about his daily job of begging in just one shirt without even a shiver, I am forced to wonder What’s life But A Joke. In a tribal village deep in…

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Yes!! I am a Believer

The last 20 days of living in the laps of the majestic Himalayas have turned me into a believer. Yes!! I am a Believer.. A believer of the Divine Energy; A believer of the mystical Sufi Ali; A believer of the ideal Vairagi & destroyer Shiva; A believer of the compassionate Jesus; A believer of…

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जाने खुद से ही क्यों भाग रहा हु मै

जाने खुद से ही क्यों भाग रहा हु मै   ढूंढ रहा था जो बरसो से, निकट ही है वो जाने कही एक एहसास मात्र है जो , जैसे चिपके ही खड़ा हो पीछे कही चाहा है पुरे दिल से जिससे, बस हाथ बढ़ा के पा लेना है अब उससे फिर भी न जाने क्यों, मस्ती…

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Seeking Freedom : Jumping off a Cliff

On my recent trip to the hills of Kumaon, I realized yet again how trapped I feel in this body, how trapped and bound I am because of all the things I wish to control, because of the desire present within to shape things my way or to influence the outcome somehow even despite being…

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